spring, geese, paintings
Hey everyone,
I hope you’re enjoying the beginning of spring. It’s been unseasonably warm here in southeast Michigan. No doubt the weather is weird where you are, too. I’m itching to plant seeds in the garden, but I’m holding out a few more weeks. Some things like Goldenrod, Blazing Star, or Columbine don’t mind a 60-day cold spell to germinate. I’ve got my lists and seeds ready to go, but I’m also crossing my fingers we get a few more snow days.
Anyway, I have some new paintings to share. Rosie’s been carefully studying the Canadian geese nearby, which has given me ample time to study them, too! Did you know they mate for life? They also leave the most delectable treats for Rosie, if you know what I mean!
I’m onto skies lately. They’re much more complex to paint than you’d expect. The painting on the left by Charles Francois Daubigny caught me this week and inspired the sky in my Morning Meadow on the right. I’m lucky the U-M Museum of Art is close to Simon’s work and free, so I’ve been trying to make an effort to walk through and look at painted skies before I pick him up.
Every now and then I pull older pieces from the shop and paint over them. That’s where this flower maiden came from. I love the little chickadee that stayed behind.
And lastly, these two on wood. The Penstemon was just a silly fun time and I decided to keep it. Same with the Carport. I like creating backgrounds with the remnants of my palette, so the next time I sit down, I have these cool grounds ready to go.
Hey thanks for following along and supporting my art! I have some fabric-y ideas coming up, so look out for those soon.
take care,