Hello Everyone- I’ve missed you!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday week and are looking forward to the new year.
Turns out it’s a bit hectic moving to another state. My hat is off to those of you who have moved with children or two full-time jobs!
All in all it’s been an exciting adventure. Here’s a bit of what I’ve been up to.
We were lucky to arrive in the fall. The colors here were magnificent (Ann Arbor = city of trees). But also anemones everywhere, and dahlias!
I signed up for a community garden right away. The site is at the lowest point in Ann Arbor, so it floods periodically, making the dirt so wonderful. Folks here make swales in their plots, so I took their advice and mapped out my little spot the same way. I put in allium bulbs, daffodils and garlic this fall.
I bought myself a nice easel before we moved. My first outing with it was at Lillie Park on my birthday. It’s a lovely park with a big pond in the center. The trees were glorious in their fall colors and the sky was full of clouds, changing from periwinkle to cerulean blue. If this is the gray everyone kept warning me about, I’ll take it! The sky here is very dramatic.
We had one big snowfall that turned everything into a magical landscape. I kinda can’t wait till the next one (which might be tomorrow!).
Before I sign off, I wanted to let you know the shop is updated with older and newer paintings. You can have a look here.
Thanks for your support and reading along. Happy New Year!
So nice to hear you've settled and are finding your way in the northern weather. Happy new year to you!
Wishing you all the best in your new home!